I must admit to feeling a little daunted when Rachel said she would like roses and peonies on her cake. I didn't know what a Peony was?! So, lots of research, lots of trial, error, Googling, YouTube and advice from A Piece of Cake Thame and I think in the end, I pulled it off.
It was a long haul over the flowers though I must say. It took weeks and weeks to get them all done in the evenings and weekends. I stressed quite a bit over whether the peonies looked right or not. I think I probably started about 12 and eventually there were 6 on the cake. They had to be made using each individual petal, then curled so that they look as though they are unwrapping themselves into blousey flowers from the tight ball they start out as.
Bride and Groom were pleased and I received lots of compliments, so I'm happy and, dare I say it, rather proud of myself. ha ha! Modest eh?
The wedding was fantastic, the bride and groom looked fabulous and the venue was gorgeous! All in all a success for all.
Congratulations to Richard and Rachel on their marriage. xoxox