Saturday, September 8, 2012

Wedding Lace

Phew!  I've finally finished my cousin's wedding cake.  I do hope she likes it as she has given me a pretty free rein to do what I think.  Creative control let's call it.  I hope this should fit in with the colour scheme and have a good nod to the themes and personal touches of their wedding day.

I'm pleased anyway, so fingers crossed!  Just has to get down to Bath without incident now.  Should be OK.  I can recommend the big sturdy boxes for stacked cakes.  I think Culpit make them and I've used them before when I've had to transport a cake myself.  They're expensive but it means that the cake can be protected and carried safely.

Raise a glass to Sara & George!

Jo xxx

Friday, September 7, 2012

Flower Power

This week has been sugar flower mental!  I've been busy making flowers for this pink rose spray for me old china Paul's Silver Wedding Anniversary and also making even more roses for my cousin's wedding cake.  It's fiddly stuff but the results were quite pleasing.  He's just been to collect the cake (which is  pretty heavy as it's a fruit cake but then it should be OK - not like he's going to bench press it!) and he seemed to think it was alright, typical bloke reaction really.  ha ha!  Anyway, not the best at piping lettering etc, but on the whole the cake looks good I think.  Hopefully it'll taste good too.  Many congratulations guys and have a cracking party tomorrow!  Hopefully I'll get the job for your Ruby Wedding Anniversary too eh?  ha ha!  Right!  Best get busy again with wedding cake decorating.  Cakes are like buses........  xx    More pics on flowers and toppers page.